Ivy Vamplew, Norman Vamplew, Alice Hendrick & James Hendrick


Janessa Ali

Len Dickinson

Charlie Cole & Lorna Cole

Jane Cleary

Nikki Dale

Stephen Dye

Sylvia Taylor & John Taylor

Philly Creasy


Bill Connor

Margaret Davis


Pam Sherry

Lesley Harris

Ray Dove

Chris Slavin

Jean Wedderburn

Charles Cade

Tracy Gooding

Phil wilson

Adam Malin & Linda Denley

Patricia Weaver, Colin Weaver, Joanne Pycroft, Kathleen Wilmore & Oliver Wright

John Burt

Sheila Elkington

Michael O’Flynn

Mammabear Gostelow

Ivy Vamplew, Norman Vamplew, Alice Hendrick & James Hendrick

From Mrs Wendy Hendrick

Loved and remembered every day especially at Christmas

With much Love always
Wendy, Graham, Nicola, Matthew, Ross,Josh & Lily xx


From Mr philip Buckley

Janessa Ali

From Mrs. Angela Hartley

Remembering my Angel and Brightest Star with love at Christmas and always xx

Len Dickinson

From Mrs. Jane Everett

Charlie Cole & Lorna Cole

From Mr. David Cole

Always remembered

Jane Cleary

From Mrs. Heather Cleary

Always in our hearts.

Nikki Dale

From Mrs. Margaret Dalr

Stephen Dye

From Miss Jade Dye

Miss you Dad, until we meet again.
Love always Shaun, Scott, Kelly and Jade xxx

Sylvia Taylor & John Taylor

From Mrs. Amelia Chambers

Grandma and Grandad; a duo, a pair, a double act. We miss you so much, but will think of you shining brightly. Our two stars together again x

Philly Creasy

From Mr Finn Dillon



Bill Connor

From Miss Jayne Barr

Margaret Davis

From Mrs Sarah Duguid

We miss you every day Mum, especially at Christmas. We will be raising a glass to you – the loveliest Mum, wife and Grandma. We love you always,

Sarah, Jim, Harry & Angus and of course Dad xxxxxxxxxx


From Mrs Betty Retford

Pam Sherry

From Mrs Dawn Shilcock

Remembering Pam, a much-loved and much-missed wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandma, sister and aunt

Lesley Harris

From Miss Susan Whate

A special sister. Loved and remembered always.

Ray Dove

From Miss Millie Dove

Every day without you since you had to go,
is like a summer without sunshine and Christmas without snow.
I wish that I could talk to you, there’s so much I would say.
Life has changed so very much since you went away.
I miss the bond between us and I miss your kind support.
You’re in my mind and in my heart and every Christmas thought.
I’ll always feel you close to me and though you’re far from sight,
I’ll search for you among the stars that shine on Christmas night.
Love Bev, Amy, Millie & the boys x

Chris Slavin

From Mr. Stuart Slater

Jean Wedderburn

From Mrs Kirsty Gammack

I wish you were still here with us all.
Miss you so much Granny
With Love
Kirsty and Amelia

Charles Cade

From Mrs. Emma Anderson

Remembering and missing my dear daddy. I think of you every day XX

Tracy Gooding

From Mr Sean Hinch

Phil wilson

From Mrs. Theresa Jane Wilson

To Phil a much loved & missed husband, Dad & Grandad
Love from us all xx

Adam Malin & Linda Denley

From Mrs Laura Malin

Always a light in my life, forever loved and missed

Patricia Weaver, Colin Weaver, Joanne Pycroft, Kathleen Wilmore & Oliver Wright

From Miss Catherine Baxter

John Burt

From Miss Anita Burt

Always in our hearts
Forever loved X

Sheila Elkington

From Mr. Andrew Elkington

We will remember our nanna because she helped Joe build his lego carousel last Christmas, because she made Evie two aprons, and the one with castles on it is her favourite, and for all the pennies she gave Joe and Evie every year for the advent calendars she made for them. We will so miss our Nanna this Christmas but we will love you forever. Joe and Evie xxxx

Michael O’Flynn

From Mrs. Angela O'Flynn

Remembering a wonderful husband, dad,grandad and great grandad. Loved and missed forever by us all. When a robin pops in sight we know you are with us xx.

Mammabear Gostelow

From Ms. Deborah Bullock
